Chart Styles Guide

Chart Styles

We created this feature so you could have multiple options for looking at your data by question type.  You have 3 different styles for each question type to choose from, each chart in Tableau is decided by the question type you select in VizualSurvey. Depending on the question some chart types might be better than others which is why we are giving you different options. We can also customize these in your template if you want any changes. 

Single Response

For this question type, you are able to see the data by a standard bar chart, donut chart, or a stacked bar chart. Normally the stacked bar chart option is used if you plan on splitting the data by using a Split Graph.

Multiple Choice

Multiple choice has the same charts as the single response, the only difference you might notice is the percentage can add up to more than 100% since a respondent can answer more than once.

Single Response Matrix

For this question type, you can either see it as a stacked bar chart vertically or horizontally or it split out into 3 separate bar charts. The column will be based on the Answer Column.

Multiple Choice Matrix

Multiple Choice Matrix has the same charts as the Single Response Matrix, the only difference you might notice is the percentage can add up to more than 100% since a respondent can answer more than once.


Matrix of Dropdown Menus


The first chart for numeric is a box whisker plot and the 3rd is an average bar, these are best used if you plan on splitting these charts using a Split Graph. The 2nd chart is helpful if you want to see the distribution of the answers. You will also have a text table with all the statistics such as Average, Median, etc on the Tableau Dashboard Template but not on the Tableau Report Template.

Numeric Multiple

The Numeric Multiple will show stats on the different options for that question. The first chart will show a box whisker which you can split up just like any chart using the Split Graph. The 2n one will show the percent of the total for each option and the last will show the average for each option. You will also have a text table with all the statistics such as Average, Median, etc on the Tableau Dashboard Template but not on the Tableau Report Template.

Constant Sum

The Constant sum is similar to the Multiple Numeric but the order of the 3 styles is different so pay attention to below. You will also have a text table with all the statistics such as Average, Median, etc on the Tableau Dashboard Template but not on the Tableau Report Template.


The first ranking chart will give you a mixture of the weighted average and the distribution of the ranking order as a stacked bar chart.  the 2nd style will give you weighted averages and the 3rd will give you the percent of total for each option and rank. You will also have a text table with all the ranking stats on the Tableau Dashboard Template but not on the Tableau Report Template.


There is not much you can do with open-ended questions so we gave you the option of a list, treemap or packed bubbles.


The Date question type can be viewed as an area chart, line chart, or bar chart. Year Month is the default for these charts but if you hover around the bottom left corner of the chart near the intersection of the axis there will be a plus and minus sign that will allow you to change it to year, quarter, day etc. Make sure your data is in a good date format when uploading it to VizualSurvey or else it might not be recognized in the dashboard.

Net Promoter Score

The first style for this is a donut chart where you can see the percent of total by Promoter, Passive and Detractor including the NPS Score in the middle. The 2nd chart style shows this same information but in a stacked bar chart, this one is great if you plan on splitting the data and want to compare different NPS scores by using the Split Graph. The last one shows the percent of total by the different numbers.

Zip Code

The chart styles for the zip code question type all show a map but it will either be by State, City, or Zip Code. Remember we pull in this additional information so all you need to do is ask for the Zip code and we will do the rest.

Custom 1-3

This charts are used for special question types that do not follow the regular structure. This will be client specific depending on your dashboard template.