Using the Tableau Analytics Template

Tableau Analytics Dashboard Template

This template is used to analyze your data and generate insights. This dashboard will allow you to filter and slice your data to find answers. There is not much work in using this template compared to the report because it is already done for you. Usually, you will use this dashboard to find interesting charts and cuts of the data, then use the Report template to present your findings. This is the analyst tool to drill down into your data. Below is an overview of how to use the analytics dashboard template.

  1. Presentation Mode - I usually put the dashboard in presentation mode while analyzing but this is optional.
  2. Section Heading - You can filter down your question list by using the section heading filter.
  3. Select a Question - This is how you change the questions, if you hover over the arrow icon you can see the full question text.
  4. Split Graph by - This is how you crosstab your chart. All of your filter options will be here.
  5. Filters - Clicking the filter icon will open the filter panel ( ALT + click if not in presentation mode). You can filter your data by using any of the filters, click the X to get rid of the filter panel.
  6. Clean Split Graphs - Sometimes you will need to remove values once you split your view. For example, here there is a donut chart for all the respondents that did not answer the Gender question, we want to remove those so we go to the Gender filter and uncheck the blanks.
  7. Reset Filters - The filters you choose will be applied to all your charts unless you go back and Reset Filters or redo the filtering you did before.
  8. Fit - Sometimes the fit does not work well with the data presented. You can change the fit by first exiting presentation mode first by hitting ESC, clicking on the chart, and then selecting the fit you want at the top. 
  9. Edit Alias - You can update any of the text in this dashboard by right-clicking and editing. One thing to be careful with is if you change 1 to Extremely Likely on one question then it will change 1 to Extremely Likely on every question in the workbook.  We recommend doing any changes like this in the VizualSurvey app instead of using Edit Alias.

Exporting and Sharing Dashboards

1. Full-Screen Presentation

You can present your dashboard using Tableau Online or Tableau Desktop using the Full-Screen option. If you are worried about performance we recommend doing it in Tableau Desktop.

2. Export to Image, PDF, PPT

If you need to export the dashboard as a static image or document you can use these export options. All of these options are available on Tableau Online and Tableau Desktop.

3. Export Tableau Workbook

If you want to give access to the dashboard and all the data you can export the dashboard as a Package Workbook and send it to someone. They can download the free Tableau Reader which will allow them to open the dashboard and use it just like you would online. Be careful though because when you send the dashboard they will get all of the data with it and can access all of it if they have Tableau Desktop.

Next Article: Using the Tableau Report Template