Exporting Data for Dashboards

Preview Data Screen

Now that the data is cleaned and ready to go, the next step is to export it from the app to your company's specific database and connect it to the dashboard. The standard way to export your data is to export it to your SQL Server database that was created for you during onboarding. We made this easy by adding an "Export Template Data" button which will export the needed files for the dashboard directly to your database. This is going to be what most clients use but we do have other options which are discussed later in this article. For the standard user, all you would use is the Export Template Data options which is explained below.

Export Template Data (Recommended)

The template dashboards need 2 files, the standardized survey data (Export Viz Data) and the filters for that survey (Export Filter List). Once you click the Export Template Data button these 2 files will be exported to your database for you with the name Viz[surveyid] and Filter[surveyid]. The 2 tables will always have Viz and Filter in front of the 2 tables with the Survey ID after them. This makes it easy to find these tables when connecting the data later on. Depending on how large your survey is, it could take some time so we send an email to the email address connected to your account once the data is loaded and ready. So it's as easy as clicking "Export Template Data" and waiting for that email, this button can be found on the home page as well as the Prep and Clean action under Export Data. Once you do that go on to the next article!  The rest of the article just talks about other export options if you are interested.

Next Article: Connecting Data to Tableau Templates

Export Viz Data

The Export Viz Data option is the survey answers in our standardized format for the dashboard templates. The main thing here is by default we have Filter 1- Filter 20 columns always present even if there is not that many filter options. The reason we do this is that the dashboard template has 20 filters by default and if these columns are not there it will bring the template. Nothing you need to worry about, all you need to know is if you will be using our dashboard templates this is the survey data you will be using. You can export this data to a CSV, MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, or a Tableau Hyper file.

Export Filter List

The Export Filter List is also used in our dashboard templates. This file is used to show the correct filter names in the dashboard instead of Filter 1, Filter 2, etc. You can export this data to a CSV, MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, or a Tableau Hyper file.

Export Data

This option is not used in our standard dashboards but is here if you want to download the data to do your own analysis. This file will have the correct filter names in the column headers and does not have all those Filter 1- Filter 20 columns. You can export this data to a CSV, MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, or a Tableau Hyper file.

Next Article: Connecting Data to Tableau Templates