Upload and Prep Other Survey Software’s Data Overview

Data Prep Tips

Add Resp ID – If the output file does not come with a respondent ID so we will have to add on the Upload Data step. You can add a respondent ID field by going to Upload Data, Actions,  Add Resp. ID. This will add a distinct ID for each respondent which is needed for the workflow.

Double Column Headers – If your data export has 2 headers we need to get it to one header. VizualSurvey accounts for this by loading the first row as the header if there is a value there otherwise it will grab the second row. It will do this automatically when you upload the data so there is nothing you will have to do. There will be an additional cleaning step for this in the next step.

Splits Required – This software's multiple choice answers in one column instead of a separate column for each answer. In order for your counts to be correct, we will have to split these answers into their own column. For these question types, you will need to use the Split Action in the Prep Data step. This software separates these answers by a comma so you will need to do Actions then Split and enter a comma as the delimiter. Make sure your answer options do not have any commas in the actual answer or else it will mess up your workflow and you may have to start over. If your answer does have a comma go to your Excel file and remove any commas that are not delimiters for the answer options. 

Zip Code Question Type - If you asked any open-ended or single one type question asking for a Zip Code then select the Zip Code Question Type and the dashboard will show a Map instead of a list of Zip Codes.

New Question # – Each New Question #  will be a separate question/chart in the dashboard. Most question types will have 1 column per question but some question types such as Multiple Choice, Matrix and Ranking will have multiple columns for one question. In this case, you will have to group all of those columns together by giving it the same New Question #.

Other Please Specify Option – When using this option you have to give it its own New Question # and Textbox Question Type or else you will have all of the open-ended answers in your chart with your other answers.

Zip Code Question Type - If you asked any open-ended or single one type question asking for a Zip Code then select the Zip Code Question Type and the dashboard will show a Map instead of a list of Zip Codes.

Question Type Notes

Video Time VizualSurvey Question Type Notes
6:45 Single Response This question output has one column that has one answer in the column that is normally a string value that you want to see in a bar chart. This is usually a select one, radio, dropdown type question. Since it is just one column you will not need to group the columns by giving multiple columns the same New Question #.
7:43 Multiple Choice

This question output usually has one column with multiple answers for that question in a single cell separated by a comma or multiple columns with a single answer in each cell. To make it a Multiple Choice question type a respondent is allowed to select more than 1 answer for that question. The question usually looks like a single response question but with the option to select more then 1 answer if they choose. If you have 1 column with multiple answers in the column you will need to do a Split in the Prep step to split all the answers out to there own column. You will then need to group all of the columns together by giving them the same New Question #. You will need to do the same thing if all the answers are in separate columns as well.

11:22 Single Response Matrix This question output always has multiple columns for a single question. Usually, the value you see in the row area of the matrix question is in the header sometimes with the question text in front of it and the value you see in the column area of the question will be in the answer cell. Since there are multiple columns associated with this question you will have to assign the same New Question Number to all of the columns.
12:32 Multiple Choice Matrix This question output usually looks exactly the same as the Single Response Matrix but you could have multiple answers in the cell separated by a comma or other delimiter. Since there are multiple columns associated with this question you will have to assign the same New Question Number to all of the columns.
14:20 Matrix of Dropdown Menus This is a specialty question that I do not see often. This question will have multiple columns and in the column header you will have 2 parts of the answer separated by some sort of delimiter. If the delimiter is not a dash (-) then replace the original delimiter with a dash for all Matrix Rows in the Clean Data step. Then in the answer column, you will have the 3rd part of the answer. Since there are multiple columns associated with this question you will have to assign the same New Question Number to all of the columns
16:06 Matrix Dropdown
This is a specialty question that I do not see often. This question will have multiple columns and in the column header, you will have 1 part of the answer and usually the question text. Then in the answer column, you will have the 2 parts of the answer separated by a delimiter.  If the delimiter is not a colon (:) then replace the original delimiter with a colon for all Matrix Rows in the Clean Data step. Since there are multiple columns associated with this question you will have to assign the same New Question Number to all of the columns
17:05 Numeric This question output has one column that has one answer in a numeric. You will select this option if you want to see statistics such as averages. Since it is just one column you will not need to group the columns by giving multiple columns the same New Question #.
17:35 Ranking This question output usually has multiple columns for a single question. Usually, the value you see in the header will be what the respondent is ranking and the value in the answer field will be the number they ranked. Since there are multiple columns associated with this question you will have to assign the same New Question Number to all of the columns.
18:25 Textbox This question output has one column that has one answer in the column that is normally an opened ended answer.  Since it is just one column you will not need to group the columns by giving multiple columns the same New Question #.
18:49 Date This question output has one column that has one answer in the column that is in a Date or Date Time format.  Since it is just one column you will not need to group the columns by giving multiple columns the same New Question #.
19:05 Net Promoter This question output has one column that has one answer in the column that is a number from 1-10. Sometimes there is text in the answer field, make sure to delete all text in the Clean Data step before going forward. Since it is just one column you will not need to group the columns by giving multiple columns the same New Question #.
19:35 Zip Code
