Clean Zoho Data Overview

Data Cleaning Tips

Abbreviations - Make sure to not put the same exact abbreviation on any 2 questions. If you use an abbreviation once you can not use it again.

Matrix Column Order - Matrix Column Order is required but not Matrix Row Order.

How Next/Save Affects Final Question and Abbreviation -If you leave Final Question and/or Abbreviation blank then the first column header value at the top will be put in these columns if you hit next /save/previous without entering a value in the field(s). If you enter the Final Question Text and not the Abbreviation it will place the Final Question text in the Abbreviation field. If you enter the Abbreviation Text and not the Final Question text it will place the first column header as the Final Question text.

*If you would like a more in-depth explanation about the Cleaning process then watch the Clean Other Survey Softwares's Data video to see the logic behind it all. If you still are having problems please reach out to support.

Question Type Notes

Video Time VizualSurvey Question Type Notes
3:21 Single Response  
6:10 Multiple Choice  
4:32 Single Response Matrix Will need to delete the question and brackets around the answer from the matrix row.
6:18 Multiple Choice Matrix Will need to delete the question and brackets around the answer from the matrix row.
Matrix of Dropdown Menus Will need to delete the question and brackets around the answer from the matrix row.
Matrix Dropdown
7:40 Numeric  
10:30 Ranking Will need to delete the question and brackets around the answer from the Column Name.
2:28 Textbox  
4:08 Date  
8:07 Net Promoter Need to remove all text, parenthesis, and spaces so its just the number
3:02 Zip Code You can group them if you want all the answers to show together in one list or single if you want to see them separate.
